THREAT ACTOR: Vanilla Tempest

This group has been observed deploying various ransomware families and utilizing sophisticated techniques to evade detection and maximize their impact...

THREAT ACTOR: Vanilla Tempest
Do you track threat actors?

Research Summary

Vanilla Tempest is a financially-motivated cyber threat group associated with ransomware activities, particularly the Vice Society ransomware. This group has been observed deploying various ransomware families and utilizing sophisticated techniques to evade detection and maximize their impact. Understanding the operations and methodologies of Vanilla Tempest is crucial for cybersecurity professionals and law enforcement agencies to develop effective countermeasures and mitigate the risks posed by this threat actor.

Assessment Rating

Rating: HIGH

The assessment rating for Vanilla Tempest is HIGH due to the significant threat they pose to organizations through their ransomware activities. The group's ability to switch ransomware variants and their use of advanced techniques to evade detection make them a formidable adversary. The financial motivation behind their attacks further increases the likelihood of continued and potentially escalating activities.


  1. Financial Motivation and Ransomware Deployment:

    • Vanilla Tempest is primarily financially motivated, engaging in ransomware activities to extort money from victims.
    • The group has been linked to the Vice Society ransomware and has recently been observed deploying the Rhysida ransomware variant.
  2. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs):

    • Vanilla Tempest employs a variety of TTPs, including the use of PowerShell scripts, SystemBC, and PortStarter for command and control (C2) activities.
    • The group is known for its opportunistic attacks, targeting various sectors, including education and healthcare.
  3. Aliases and Attribution:

    • Vanilla Tempest is also known as DEV-0832 and TAC5278.
    • The group has been associated with the Vice Society ransomware, indicating a possible rebranding or evolution of their operations.
  4. Recent Activities and Breaches:

    • In 2023, Vanilla Tempest was observed deploying the Rhysida ransomware, indicating a shift from their previous use of Vice Society ransomware.
    • The group has been involved in several high-profile ransomware attacks, impacting various organizations and sectors.

Recommendations, Actions, and Next Steps

  1. Enhanced Monitoring and Detection:

    • Implement advanced monitoring solutions to detect and respond to PowerShell script activities and other known TTPs associated with Vanilla Tempest.
    • Utilize threat intelligence feeds to stay updated on the latest indicators of compromise (IOCs) and TTPs related to this threat actor.
  2. Network Segmentation and Access Controls:

    • Segment critical network assets to limit the lateral movement of attackers within the network.
    • Implement strict access controls and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. Incident Response and Recovery Planning:

    • Develop and regularly update incident response plans to ensure a swift and effective response to ransomware attacks.
    • Conduct regular backups of critical data and ensure that backup systems are isolated from the main network to prevent ransomware encryption.
  4. Employee Training and Awareness:

    • Conduct regular cybersecurity training sessions for employees to raise awareness about phishing attacks and other common attack vectors used by ransomware groups.
    • Encourage employees to report suspicious activities promptly to the IT security team.
  5. Collaboration with Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Communities:

    • Establish communication channels with law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity communities to share information and collaborate on threat intelligence.
    • Participate in threat intelligence sharing platforms to gain insights into the latest threats and mitigation strategies.

References and Citations

  1. Blackpoint Cyber - Vanilla Tempest, Oyster Backdoor, NetSupport RAT, & Infostealers
  2. Malpedia - Vanilla Tempest
  3. Microsoft - DEV-0832 (Vice Society) opportunistic ransomware campaigns
  4. DefendEdge - Vice Society: One of the Most Impactful Ransomware Gangs of 2022
  5. Sophos News - Vice Society and Rhysida Ransomware

Known Aliases

  1. DEV-0832 (Microsoft)
  2. TAC5278 (Various sources)
  3. Vice Society (General attribution)

Breaches and Case Studies

  1. Vice Society Ransomware Attack on U.S. Education Sector - October 2022 - Microsoft

    • Description: Vanilla Tempest, operating under the alias Vice Society, conducted opportunistic ransomware attacks targeting the U.S. education sector. The attacks involved the use of SystemBC and PortStarter for C2 activities.
    • Actionable Takeaways: Implement attack surface reduction rules to prevent infection vectors, enhance monitoring for known TTPs, and ensure robust incident response plans are in place.
  2. Rhysida Ransomware Deployment - November 2023 - Sophos News

    • Description: Vanilla Tempest was observed deploying the Rhysida ransomware variant, indicating a shift from their previous use of Vice Society ransomware. The group continued to employ advanced techniques to evade detection.
    • Actionable Takeaways: Stay updated on the latest ransomware variants and associated TTPs, conduct regular security assessments, and ensure that backup systems are secure and isolated.

Followup Research

To further investigate Vanilla Tempest, the client could:

  1. Conduct a Detailed TTP Analysis:

    • Perform a comprehensive analysis of the TTPs used by Vanilla Tempest, including specific PowerShell scripts and C2 frameworks.
    • Investigate the evolution of their ransomware deployment strategies and the impact on different sectors.
  2. Collaborate with Threat Intelligence Providers:

    • Engage with threat intelligence providers to gain deeper insights into the activities and infrastructure of Vanilla Tempest.
    • Participate in threat intelligence sharing platforms to stay informed about the latest developments and mitigation strategies.
  3. Investigate Attribution and Affiliations:

    • Explore potential affiliations between Vanilla Tempest and other threat actors or ransomware groups.
    • Investigate the possibility of rebranding or evolution of the group’s operations over time.
  4. Enhance Incident Response Capabilities:

    • Conduct tabletop exercises and simulations to test and improve incident response capabilities.
    • Develop and implement advanced detection and response mechanisms to quickly identify and mitigate ransomware attacks.

By addressing these areas, the client can gain a more comprehensive understanding of Vanilla Tempest and enhance their ability to defend against this and similar threat actors.


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